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CASA Dress Code

As Christians, we desire to honor Jesus Christ in our conduct and dress. As parents and adults, it is our responsibility to set examples of behavior and modesty for our children in these areas.


We ask that all young men and women dress in a way that would not attract undue attention. We expect that these guidelines will be honoring to God and not cause fellow Christians to stumble. With this in mind, as we seek to live with each other in grace, we ask that the guidelines be followed at any CASA gatherings.


All Students:​ No inappropriate slogans or graphics on clothing.  No inappropriate jewelry or accessories. Shoes must be worn at all times. Undergarments should be covered at all times.


Girls:​ Shirts must cover the mid-section and cleavage at all times, even when arms are raised. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be of a modest, lower thigh length. No see-through apparel.


Boys: No excessively baggy, low-riding pants or shorts.


Leadership, tutors, and co-op facilitators are the final authority in deciding whether a child must call home for more appropriate clothing immediately or is simply asked to wear something more appropriate to subsequent gatherings. A repeated attitude of disrespect to the spirit of the CASA Dress Code could result in the loss of the privilege of attending CASA gatherings or events.

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